Were You in an Uber Car Accident? Do These 4 Things Right Away

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Were You in an Uber Car Accident? Do These 4 Things Right Away

por | Mar 2, 2021 | Auto Accidents, Personal Injury

If you have been in an Uber car accident, there are a few things you need to know. This article discusses four things that you need to do directly after your accident, whether you are a passenger or another driver.

Uber and other rideshare companies have transformed how people get around. As with any innovation, however, the convenience of these apps is accompanied by some legal challenges. For anyone unlucky enough to get into an accident with an Uber driver—no matter whether the passenger in the Uber or the other driver in the accident—it can help to know what to do in the hours and days following the crash.

If you are in an Uber car accident, do these four things as soon as possible.

Report the Accident

When you are in any auto accident, one of the first things you need to do is report the accident to the police. Having a police report on hand can be beneficial to your case if you need to seek compensation for your injuries.

Document the Accident

You cannot rely on your memory if you want to prove that you deserve to be paid for your injuries. You need documentation to back up your claim. Capture the scene of the accident by taking photos of the damage and the area surrounding the crash.

You should also take photos of any visible injuries that you sustain, but do not forego professional medical care and advice. Taking a picture of any bruising you suffer can be helpful, but it should not be the only thing you do to document your injuries.

Get Checked by a Doctor

The best way to document your injuries is to get checked out by a doctor. Even if you do not feel like you suffered any serious injuries, you should still schedule an appointment with your physician. Alternatively, if you do feel any pain—either directly following your accident or in the weeks that follow—you should use that as an incentive to see a doctor as soon as you can.

Your medical care is most likely going to be the most expensive cost associated with your Uber car accident, so the clearer the picture you have for how long and difficult your recovery is going to be, the more compensation you can possibly claim to pay for it.

Speak with an Attorney about Your Uber Car Accident

Auto accident legal cases are often complicated, and if one of the cars involved is an Uber or other rideshare service, it can get even more complex. Talk to someone who is an expert in Uber car accident cases. Talk to one of the attorneys at Pacin Levine, P.A. today.

Set up a consultation with us as soon as possible by contacting our office today.

Are you ready to pursue your case? Contact us today and set up an appointment to speak to an attorney. Call us at 1-800-24-7-CRASH or write to us at [email protected].

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