Should I File a Slip and Fall Lawsuit? 3 Questions to Answer before Deciding

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Should I File a Slip and Fall Lawsuit? 3 Questions to Answer before Deciding

Should I File a Slip and Fall Lawsuit? 3 Questions to Answer before Deciding

por | Jun 26, 2020 | Accidents, Personal Injury, Slip and Fall

As Florida continues to test whether it is safe to reopen for business, it is critical for consumers and shoppers to be wary of unsafe conditions on private property. If you are injured because of someone else’s failure to keep you safe—whether it’s at the grocery store, a restaurant, or another business—you might need to file a slip and fall lawsuit.

Before you file a lawsuit, however, you need to think about whether this often-stressful route for compensation is right for you. In this blog, we consider three questions that you need to answer before you take your first steps toward litigation.

Can I Afford to Pay for My Medical Treatment If I Do Not File a Slip and Fall Lawsuit?

The purpose of filing a lawsuit for a slip and fall injury (at least one of the most important purposes) is to receive compensation that will help to pay for medical expenses that result from an accident.

So, the first question you need to answer before filing a lawsuit is, can I afford medical treatment? Costs pile up unbelievably fast for medical expenses in the United States. Furthermore, when you have a significant injury, you might need help paying your usual bills if you can’t work.

As attorneys, we advise many people on what steps to take following an injury. Perhaps the most critical step is going to see the doctor and following up to make sure that there is no lasting damage. A slip and fall lawsuit can account for permanent injuries and long recovery times.

Do I Have the Time and Energy to Follow Through?

A typical slip and fall case lasts anywhere from six months to several years, so before you decide to litigate your injuries, you need to think about whether you can follow through. You may come to the conclusion that it is not worth your time or energy to pursue an award if the injury is not serious.

On the other hand, if your injury is serious, a lawsuit could be the only way to get the justice you deserve. Additionally, you might be able to settle, even if you never set foot inside a courtroom.

What Kind of Proof Can I Offer to Support My Case?

It should go without saying that you need evidence that supports your narrative of how you got hurt and that such evidence shows that the property owner either knew or should have known about the unsafe conditions that led to your injuries.

If you do not have evidence for your claim, a slip and fall lawsuit might not be worth your time.

Give Your Slip and Fall Lawsuit the Best Chance: Talk to Our Team Today

Are you ready to pursue your case? Contact us today and set up an appointment to speak to an attorney. Call us at 1-800-24-7-CRASH or write to us at [email protected].

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