Pedestrian Accident Attorney: Who Is Liable for an Accident that Happens at Night?

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Pedestrian Accident Attorney: Who Is Liable for an Accident that Happens at Night?

Pedestrian Accident Attorney: Who Is Liable for an Accident that Happens at Night?

por | Jul 31, 2020 | Lesiones Personales

Don’t think you will need a pedestrian accident attorney? If you go out at night, you never know what could happen. Keep reading to learn more about who is responsible for pedestrian accidents at night.

Even with the risk of COVID-19, people are still going out at night. It might seem that the biggest threat to your health and safety right now is the pandemic—and this is not to minimize that very real threat in any way—but if you are not careful when you are walking after dark, you could become a victim of a pedestrian accident.

When that happens, who is at fault?

To learn the answer to this question, we need to look at a few different factors. Here’s what you should know about fault in pedestrian accidents at night.

Factors That Contribute to Pedestrian Accidents

As a pedestrian, you should always be alert to vehicles on the road. It is in your best interest to make sure drivers can see you when you are out at night. Drivers may not see you if you are wearing dark clothing, so take that into account when you choose your outfit. To make things more complicated, drivers may not see you because they have low visibility. In some areas of town, they may only have their headlights to guide them. In our experience as a pedestrian accident attorney team, we have seen many scenarios like this.

Another risk that pedestrians must be aware of at night is that it is more likely that they will encounter someone who is driving while impaired. Even traveling at low speeds, a car in the hands of someone who is drunk or on medication can be destructive and deadly. Even for drivers who are not impaired, the lack of light can slow reaction times, so do not assume that because you are wearing bright clothing that a driver can see you.

Whose Fault Is It?

It is critical to understand that just because you are the victim in a pedestrian accident, that does not mean that the driver is completely at fault. Many drivers will claim that they did not see you when they hit you. They will use some of the above factors as evidence that you share, at the very least, part of the responsibility.

However, even if you are found partially at fault, you can still recover compensation for your injuries.

Were You Hurt? Get Compensation with the Help of a Pedestrian Accident Attorney

If you were in an accident as a pedestrian, don’t wait to seek help from an experienced pedestrian attorney. At Pacin Levine Attorneys at Law, we understand how to approach pedestrian accidents in and out of the courtroom. Let us help you recover.

Are you ready to pursue your case? Contact us today and set up an appointment to speak to an attorney. Call us at 1-800-24-7-CRASH or write to us at [email protected].

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