Miami Car Accident Lawyer: 3 Reasons to Report Your Accident ASAP

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Miami Car Accident Lawyer: 3 Reasons to Report Your Accident ASAP

por | Oct 22, 2019 | Accidents, Auto Accidents

If you’ve been in a car accident in the Miami area, there are two calls that you need to make as quickly as you can—one to the police and one to a Miami car accident lawyer. Even in minor accidents, having the police there to help you at the scene of the accident can mean the difference between you getting the money you deserve and having to settle for a low offer.

To be clear, Florida law requires anyone involved in a serious car accident to report it to the authorities within 10 days of the accident or risk a citation three reasons to report your car accident to the police. If you don’t, you could face a citation. But aside from that, here are three more reasons to report your accident to the police.

The Police Will Help You Get the Information You Need

The minutes following a car accident, even a minor one, can be hectic and confusing. Calling the police to the scene of the accident is a good idea because they can help you get the other driver’s information, which can be easy to forget when you are stressed and disoriented (or impossible if you are taken to the hospital for your injuries). If you plan to file a claim for property damage or a personal injury lawsuit, having the correct information can help make the process go more smoothly.

A Police Report Documents the Specifics of the Accident

Police reports contain a lot of valuable information—the location and trajectory of the vehicles, the make and model of each vehicle, the contact information of any witnesses, as well as a verbal description of how the accident unfolded. Witness statements may also be included in a report, which your Miami car accident lawyer can use to prove your case.

A Police Report Can Also Serve as Evidence of Your Injuries

While you will need to see a doctor to diagnose and document your injuries, a police report can serve as further evidence of your injuries. This information can be extremely helpful when the insurance companies start their investigations. With your injuries documented in the police report, you are less likely to be denied coverage from the insurance company.

Contact a Miami Car Accident Lawyer Today

Car accidents are complicated, so it’s critical to get expert legal help from the start. Our team at Pacin Levine Attorneys at Law will help you gather all the pertinent documentation, from police reports to witness statements, so that you can get the compensation that you deserve.

Get in touch with a Miami car accident lawyer from Pacin Levine today so that we can discuss the specifics of your case and begin the healing process. Contact our offices today to set up an appointment with one of our attorneys.

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