Miami Car Accident Attorney: Never Share Your Accident on Social Media

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Miami Car Accident Attorney: Never Share Your Accident on Social Media

por | Dic 30, 2019 | Accidents, Auto Accidents, Personal Injury

As a Miami car accident attorney, I have nothing against social media as a concept. Social media is designed to keep people connected, and I think that’s pretty amazing. People love sharing what’s going on in their lives with family and friends. However, I have seen a single post on a social network completely upend a case before.

You might be tempted to post a picture, video, or status on your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account (or any other social sharing site), but you might want to think twice before you do. Here’s why.

Your Own Posts Can Be Used Against You

In any legal case, knowledge is power. If you file a lawsuit against another party, you can bet that they are going to do whatever is in their power to prove that your side of the story is false, even if it’s not. Your online presence is just one source for them to scour for information that might contradict your claims, but it is a fairly easy one for them to access. Furthermore, many people don’t realize how exposed they are online, so they share information about themselves pretty freely.

Let’s say you decide to go to a sporting event after your car accident. You don’t even have to be the one to post a picture. If one of your friends decides to tag you in a photo, people can search for it and find it if your friend’s privacy settings are not set correctly. In fact, even if your settings are set to private, people can still find a way to view your posts. It’s best to always assume that anything you post is visible to everyone.

You might think that a photo is pretty innocent—but let’s say in this picture, you decide to take off the neck brace that you have to wear for a neck injury. You think it makes you look silly. Unfortunately, the other side can use that to show that you were not really injured. What this means for your case is that you could lose out on a large chunk of compensation, maybe even all of it.

What Not to Post

The easiest way to avoid damaging your case with your online activity is to stop posting altogether. However, this is not possible for everyone, as many people are required to keep an online presence for work. If you must post on any of your social media profiles, here’s what you absolutely must avoid sharing:

  • Photos/videos of your injuries
  • Photos/videos of your damaged property
  • Photos/videos that show you doing any physical activities
  • Anything that relates directly or indirectly to your case

Now that you understand what not to post online after your car accident, make sure that you talk to your family and friends about what they can and cannot post, too.

Talk to a Miami Car Accident Attorney before Sharing

Were you injured in an accident? Talk to a Miami car accident attorney at Pacin Levine today so we can discuss the details of your case.

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