How to Prevent Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes

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How to Prevent Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes

por | Abr 9, 2019 | Elder Abuse, Personal Injury

If you want to prevent elder abuse for your loved one, it’s important to know the following. Each year, about 2 million seniors report abuse from nursing home and in-home caregivers. For every report of abuse that is reported, it is estimated that five others go unreported. That means that every year about 10 million seniors experience some form of elder abuse. The types of abuse range from financial abuse to sexual abuse. Abusers choose to target seniors because of their vulnerability.

To ensure the safety of your elderly loved one, follow these tips when choosing a nursing home.

Research Potential Nursing Homes

When searching for a nursing home for your elderly loved one, it’s important to research each possible establishment before committing to one. Check online reviews for signs of potential neglect and abuse from other residents and their families. If you have friends or family who have used a nursing home for elder care in the past, ask them if they would recommend their choice.

Visit Potential Nursing Homes

After doing the initial research and getting recommendations, it’s always a good idea to visit the nursing homes on your list. During your visit, observe the facility and staff for cleanliness and safety. Consider the following questions when you visit:

  • Does the facility appear to be clean?
  • Do staff members appear to be trained properly?
  • Do staff respond quickly when called for help?
  • Who do the staff members interact with most? Each other or their residents?

If the answers to these questions don’t show the facility in a positive light, it’s best to avoid selecting that facility. Also, ask yourself whether the facility appears to be understaffed. Many times, abuse happens because of stress, which often occurs when staff members are overworked.

Encourage Community and Avoid Isolation

Abuse often goes unreported because victims feel that they have no one to turn to when they are in need of help. Before moving your loved one into a nursing home, encourage them to attend events and activities, such as religious services and community activities provided by the nursing home. Not only can avoiding isolation help prevent depression, it can also give your loved one a community to turn to if something is wrong.

Once You Choose, Continue Visiting

Of course, as a family member, you are your loved one’s primary community, and you have the best chance to prevent elderly abuse before it starts. It’s important to visit them regularly to ensure that the staff of the nursing home is taking care of them. The more you visit, the more likely you will be to notice if anything is off.

Too Late to Prevent Elder Abuse?

If you suspect or know that your elderly loved one is the victim of abuse, get in touch with Pacin Levine Attorneys at Law today. We will help you navigate this sensitive issue with care and give you the advice you need to move forward with your case. Call us today at (888) 450-4909 or chat with a live representative by clicking the icon in the lower right corner of your screen.

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