How to Claim Lost Wages from a Car Accident in Florida

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How to Claim Lost Wages from a Car Accident in Florida

How to Claim Lost Wages from a Car Accident in Florida

por | Jun 22, 2021 | Accidents, Auto Accidents, Personal Injury, Wage and Hour

With Florida’s high rate of vehicle accidents, many people need to know how to claim lost wages from car accident injuries that leave them unable to work. This article explains the basics.

When you are in a car accident, you may suffer injuries that make it impossible to work. On top of racking up medical bills and expensive car repairs, you may be out of work for weeks or even months. Without a steady income, how are you supposed to pay for your recovery?

It is possible to recover compensation for injuries that put you out of work, if you follow these steps:

  • Know which policy to file a claim against.
  • Calculate the amount you lost.
  • Gather evidence.
  • Talk to an attorney.

The following information will help you understand how the process works so you can get the money you need and focus on healing.

How to Claim Lost Wages from Car Accident Injuries

Know Which Policy to File a Claim Against

In Florida, your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) may provide you with the coverage you need to make up for lost wages. The state requires all drivers to carry coverage of $10,000 to pay for medical costs and other expenses that result from your injuries.

If your doctor deems you unfit for work, your policy will cover 60% of your wages up to the policy limits. In accidents where the other driver is at fault, their insurance is responsible for the remaining 40%. However, once you reach the limit—and it’s important to understand that if your injuries are severe, $10,000 does not go a long way—you will need to seek other means to cover your lost wages.

If you have reached your policy limit but still have lost wages to recover, you can file a claim against either your own insurance or the other driver’s, depending on who caused the accident (and things can get complicated if partial blame is involved).

Not sure how to claim lost wages from car accident injuries in Florida? Talk to us today.

Calculate the Amount You Lost

The amount of your lost wages depends on whether you are an hourly or salaries employee. For other forms of employment, such as self-employment or contract work, you should speak to an attorney because calculating your lost wages can be very complicated.

For hourly employees:

  • Simply multiply the number of hours you missed by your hourly rate.

For salaried employees:

  • Divide your salary by 2,080 (a rough figure for the number of hours a salaried employee works per year) then multiply the result by the number of hours you missed.

Gather Evidence

You will also need to gather some evidence to back up your lost wages claim:

  • Documentation from your doctor stating you are unable to work.
  • Recent pay stubs or tax returns that show your income.
  • A letter from your employer stating how many days you missed, the number of hours you work, your pay rate, and any other relevant information.

Talk to an Experienced Florida Car Accident Injury Attorney to Learn How to Claim Lost Wages from Car Accident Injuries

Finally, you should speak to an attorney. In fact, one of the first things you should do is schedule a consultation with one to go over the details of your case. No two cases are exactly the same, and if you don’t want to miss out on any compensation, an attorney can help.

Get in touch with Pacin Levine, P.A., today so we can discuss your case.

Are you ready to pursue your case? Contact us today and set up an appointment to speak to an attorney. Call us at 1-800-24-7-CRASH or write to us at [email protected].

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