Florida Car Accident: 5 Critical Pieces of Evidence to Gather

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Florida Car Accident: 5 Critical Pieces of Evidence to Gather

por | Feb 25, 2019 | Accidents, Auto Accidents, Insurance, Personal Injury

Contrary to what you might think, recovering compensation for personal injury and property damage after a Florida car accident is not always easy. In theory, insurance should cover lost wages, medical expenses, and other expenses. But theory and reality don’t always match, especially since insurance companies often offer low settlements to try to maximize profits.

To protect yourself from these types of offers, it’s best to hire a Florida car accident attorney to help you win your case and to know what evidence to gather after the accident occurs.

These five critical pieces of evidence will help you get the compensation you deserve.

Evidence from the Scene of the Accident

Evidence from the scene of the car accident is often the most effective way to ensure that the insurance company offers you a satisfactory settlement. There are three key pieces of evidence to gather after you’ve been in an accident:

  • Police reports
  • Witness testimony
  • Pictures that document the scene from multiple angles

If you can gather these three things from the accident site, you could help to prove your case. However, injury could prevent you from assisting in this way. In such a case, our lawyers will work with you to reconstruct how the accident unfolded to identify those liable.

Evidence of Your Injuries

Even if medical personnel on the scene clear you, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately after a Florida car accident. More than a few types of injury do not show symptoms for weeks or even months. A doctor can help to identify any injuries you sustained during the accident so you can receive the treatment you need and prevent any further complications in the future. Two pieces of evidence will document your injuries:

  • EMT reports from the scene of the crash
  • Your medical records following your visit to a doctor

The above documentation will establish the severity of your injuries and provide your case with a solid foundation should you need to take your case to trial.

Talk to a Florida Car Accident Attorney Now

Gathering these pieces of evidence after an accident can help you get the compensation you deserve. However, not every victim of a car accident can gather these things from the site of the crash, depending on their injuries. When injuries are too severe and prevent you from advocating for yourself, that’s when you need an attorney you can trust.

At Pacin Levine Attorneys at Law, we work with our clients to establish the strongest case possible. We use every resource available to get our clients the compensation that they need and deserve. If you or a loved one has been in a Florida car accident, our attorneys are standing by to help you in any way we can.

To learn more about your options, contact our offices today to schedule a consultation.

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