As a consumer, you probably expect the things you buy to work like they are supposed to work. Sometimes, that’s not what happens. In fact, any defective product attorney can tell you that in some cases the things we buy not only fail to function—they can cause real...
Defective Products
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6 Car Seat Safety Tips Parents Need to Know
When it comes to parenting, safety should always be a top priority, and with how busy everyone is these days, running errands and going to kids’ sporting events, that means parents need to be aware of how to keep their kids safe from defective car seats. If you want...
Defective Product Attorney: 4 Signs of a Defective Seat Belt
Wearing a seat belt when driving or riding even short distances might seem like a pretty common sense thing to do—it can certainly save you from severe injury and even death if you are in an accident. But as any defective product attorney knows, even things that are...
Defective Airbags Can Be Deadly: How to Protect Yourself
Americans rely on their cars to get them from point A to point B safely. When an accident happens, the airbags are supposed to protect the driver and passengers from harm. No one expects their car to have defective airbags, but it does happen, and when the airbags...