Can I Sue Uber for an Accident? 3 Critical Things to Know

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Can I Sue Uber for an Accident? 3 Critical Things to Know

Can I Sue Uber for an Accident? 3 Critical Things to Know

por | May 14, 2021 | Auto Accidents, Personal Injury

Can I sue Uber for an accident caused by one of their drivers? It can be a bit complicated in Florida. If you are looking for an answer to this question, we break it down for you here.

When you get into a car accident in Florida, recovering from any injuries you sustain and repairing the damage to your vehicle can take a long time and cost a lot of money. You may be wondering whether getting into an accident with a driver for a company like Uber is different from a regular accident—especially if you plan to sue for damages.

The answer? Yes, it is different. Here’s what you need to know about suing Uber for injuries and property damage following an accident with one of their drivers.

You Need to Exhaust Your Own Insurance Coverage Limits First

Florida is a no-fault state (although, maybe not for long), so before you can try to recover compensation from any other driver, you need to exhaust your own insurance coverage first. Whether you have sustained injuries or need to replace or repair your car, you may need to file a personal injury protection claim and a claim for property damage.

You May Need to Sue the Other Driver’s Insurance

Depending on the situation, you may not be able to hold Uber liable for their driver. One such situation is when their driver is operating their vehicle for personal reasons. They may have just completed a paid trip with a customer, but if they cause an accident while they are not on company time, you will have to seek damages that exceed your coverage through their personal insurance policy.

Can I Sue Uber for an Accident? When to Sue Uber’s $1 Million Policy

Florida’s laws are notoriously complex when it comes to suing Uber’s $1 million policy for personal injury damages. To put the matter briefly, if you get into an accident with an Uber driver who is available and carrying a passenger at the time of the accident, you may be able to receive compensation under this policy. If your injuries exceed a certain amount, you should speak to an attorney who specializes in Uber accidents. These injuries may include:

  • Paralysis, either partial or total
  • Internal injuries that result in organ damage or loss
  • Loss of limbs
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Other traumatic injuries

To learn whether you have a good case, you should not wait to contact an attorney so you can discuss your options.

Talk to One of Our Attorneys to Discuss Your Options

As Uber accident experts, the attorneys at Pacin Levine, P.A. are ready to help you.

Need to talk to someone about your case? Our attorneys are available to discuss your needs at your convenience. Please get in touch with us and schedule a consultation so we can start moving forward with your case.

Are you ready to pursue your case? Contact us today and set up an appointment to speak to an attorney. Call us at 1-800-24-7-CRASH or write to us at [email protected].

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