5 Surefire Ways a Hit-and-Run Lawyer Can Help Your Case

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5 Surefire Ways a Hit and Run Lawyer Can Help Your Case

5 Surefire Ways a Hit-and-Run Lawyer Can Help Your Case

por | Jul 27, 2021 | Accidents, Auto Accidents, Insurance, Personal Injury

How a Hit-and-Run Lawyer Can Help after Your Accident

Here’s how a hit-and-run lawyer can help, at a glance:

  • Prove negligence
  • Assemble evidence
  • Seek damages, including punitive
  • Go to trial

Getting into an auto accident is a stressful and often painful experience. When the other driver flees the scene, things get even more complicated. Whether the identity of the other driver is ever discovered, an attorney who specializes in hit and run accidents can help you navigate the process.

How a Hit-and-Run Lawyer Can Help You

Prove Negligence

If the police catch the driver who fled the scene, an attorney can help you prove that they acted negligently. While they will usually face criminal charges for fleeing, you will still need to prove they were at fault if your damages exceed your insurance coverage limits.

Assemble Critical Evidence

To prove negligence, your attorney will have to gather evidence. If you are injured, you will need the compensation you are owed from the negligent driver’s insurance—and possibly from the negligent driver him- or herself—to pay for your medical treatment and cover your lost income.

An attorney knows exactly the types of evidence to look for.

Seek Punitive Damages

If the other driver is identified, you may be able to seek punitive damages. These damages are designed to punish the person at fault while providing you with the funds you need to get the care you need for your injuries and to repair or replace your property.

Handle the Insurance Company

In the event that the other driver is not found, you will have to file a claim with your own insurance to recover compensation. Because you are likely in pain and in need of money fast, your insurance company may try to get you to settle quickly. An experienced hit-and-run lawyer will help you negotiate a better settlement from your insurance provider.

Go to Trial

You may need to take your case to trial. Whether you know who the at-fault driver is or not, going to court may be the only way you can get a fair judgment on your case. For this, you will need a hit-and-run lawyer who has experience litigating cases like yours. When you are looking for an attorney to help you with your case, you should be sure that they have years of experience in the courtroom.

Talk to a Hit-and-Run Lawyer Today

Have you been involved in a hit-and-run accident? You should speak to a qualified attorney as soon as possible so that they can work to find a resolution for you quickly. The sooner you get started, the sooner you can put the whole ordeal behind you.

Don’t wait. Get in touch with the experienced team at Pacin Levine, P.A., to discuss your case. Set up a free consultation with one of our attorneys today so we can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Are you ready to pursue your case? Contact us today and set up an appointment to speak to an attorney. Call us at 1-800-24-7-CRASH or write to us at [email protected].

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